Review of Waterworks

Better Call Saul: Waterworks (2022)
Season 6, Episode 12
God. Jesus. Exclamation word.
9 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This episode is perfect. Like in real life, there are climaxes, but unlike in shows, the climax is rarely bombastic or ends in a gunfight. What I love about Better Call Saul is how it is able to have scenes as intense as Breaking Bad, even while there is no physical threat to the characters immediately present. Saul talking with the man in prison, Jesse talking with Kim, Kim breaking down in a bus, the writing is so perfected that there doesn't need to be a gun or an explosion for there to be a climax. This episode just reaches climax after climax after climax, only by using writing.

"Is he good?" - Jesse "When I used to know him." - Kim She's not talking about Saul, she's talking about Jimmy.

Fantastic. What a memorable episode.

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