Peaky Blinders: Lock and Key (2022)
Season 6, Episode 6
Game of Thrones syndrome
11 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Just too many plotlines to tie up in a well made fashion to ultimately get crammed into the finale. Also wasted the first half of the season on Ruby and for what? To setup Tom's disease plotline?

Micheal for all the foreshadowing they gave him was pretty much wrapped up in one scene. He never seemed like any sort of threat. Otherwise he was nonexistent this entire season that they could've handled that in the first episode. Gina seemed to be a bigger threat to Tommy than Micheal.

The IRA as well was finished very quickly for "how powerful an enemy they are". Again, never seemed like a threat.

What happened to Nelson? He wants Tommy and Arthur dead but then....? And again, not a threat.

Billy was never explained. How'd they find out? Was Finn in on it? Now he's gone and Duke is now near the top?

This random new kid shows up and is now a Shelby? Just like that? In one scene killing a man made him want to leave then 2 scenes later he's basically running the operation?? That doesn't track.

Liz and charlie made sense. But Ada does not. Very little presence this season in general.

What happened to Churchill in all this?

They need a season 7 for this but I guess we're getting a movie instead. So it what it is.

Also, I couldn't stand the music this season. It never seemed to match the mood of the scene it was literally drowning out. Had to turn the volume down during a scene that I felt like should have some emotion behind it. Instead get a very unappealing audio covering the entire scene.
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