A swing and a miss comedy special...
10 July 2022
I stumbled upon the 2022 stand-up comedy special "Ms. Pat: Y'all Wanna Hear Something Crazy?" by random chance as I was browsing through the stand-up comedy selection on Netflix. And never having heard about Patricia Williams before, I opted to give this show a chance.

While Ms. Pat had some charisma and felt at home on the stage, I must admit that the contents of the show, the material and the jokes were somewhat falling short of providing me with proper entertainment. I just couldn't relate to most of the material, and the excessive usage of the N-word just wore tired really, really fast. I am not a prude, but hearing that over and over again just becomes annoying really fast.

Truth be told then I didn't stick around to watch the entire show. I managed to sit through about half of it, then I just upped and ended it. I wasn't laughing at the jokes, and I was growing more and more annoyed with the constant usage of the N-word. So yeah, "Ms. Pat: Y'all Wanna Hear Something Crazy?" is not a show that I would recommend to people.

My rating of "Ms. Pat: Y'all Wanna Hear Something Crazy?" lands on a generous two out of ten stars.
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