Better Call Saul: Axe and Grind (2022)
Season 6, Episode 6
Puts the accent on the characters
17 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Axe and Grind excels when it puts the focus on the characters. We get another Kimmy flashback, which is always welcomed, Mike gets a sweet and tender moment with Kaylee, and Francesca gets awesome development.

On the other hand, we feel the carrot hanging over our heads, but the show knows how to keep the suspense. It happens today ! Cliffhangers are experienced throughout. Kim drives back, and Lalo gets to one up Casper. Loved seeing the film crew again, as well as the Vet. We also see the Best Quality Vacuum card at Caldera's, which was an holy hell moment. The lab is also in the episode for a brief moment.

It's coming to a head. The pace is incredible and the episode came to an end really quickly. Excited to learn more about Lalo's plan, and Jimmy and Kim's. Next episode can't come quick enough.
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