Syberia: The World Before (2022 Video Game)
I want to like this... but wow
15 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The storyline is beyond convoluted. Kate becomes obsessed with a picture of Dana for no reason at all and yet it's so obvious where it's going. A subplot features a cigar chomping sasquatch becoming the allies' top spy even though he can't be seen in public... how silly can you get? Characters frequently make decisions that make zero sense. Dana and Leon are completely useless twits and their relationship never feels plausible. Kate constantly wanders around picking up useless information in a story that is both overwrought and half baked. Puzzles are braindead and often have bugs causing a full game restart to be needed. Controls are clunky, the run function barely works and navigation is frequently frustrating. I'll give it some points for its visual design and pretty good voice acting. But it's decidedly subpar compared to the older games.
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