Stone Cold (1991)
Don't hassle the Huff
14 April 2022
"Stone Cold" is a biker action film from 1991 starring former linebacker Brian Bosworth that I watched as it was featured on the "How Did This Get Made" podcast. I've watched some true garbage to keep up with that podcast so I'm happy to report that, though dated and exploitative, in a relative sense this was actually alright.

A suspended cop, Joe Huff (Brian Bosworth) is hired by the FBI to infiltrate a Biker gang that has links to organised crime, headed by Chains Cooper (Lance Henricksen). The gang are responsible for the revenge murder of a federal judge, who sentenced one of their leaders to life in prison following the murder of a priest. As Hoff earns his place in the outfit, his presence alienates the current second in command, Ice (William Forsythe).

Like, don't get me wrong, it's pretty stupid. The gang motorcycle about, punch each other and look at topless women. Bosworth isn't much of an actor here, but he is a giant mulleted presence and isn't without a certain charisma. He too gets to just punch or shoulder charge any problem that's presented to him. There's a sleezy appeal to the film, as we the audience, get to see the violence, gore and boobs too. And the explosions, oh my the explosions, literally everything in the film explodes as if it's made solely of TNT, cars, bikes even an helicopter, one tap and BOOM!

If Boz struggles with acting side of things, he's fortunately propped up by a couple of proper actors playing against type opposing him. Forsythe is more commonly used as a sleezy DA than a biker heavy, but he goes for it here screaming threats and being rather more unhinged than the ultimately scheming Chains. Speaking of, Lance Henricksen is excellent as Chains - dangerous but with more going on than the men he's leading. His plan is, frankly, ridiculous but it plays out in a hectic, sometimes unintentionally funny, action set piece with more of those amazing explosions.

Like I say, it's a dumb, middling shot action movie but I never struggled to get through it and compared to some of the films I've watched for the podcast, it was pretty good.
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