Peaky Blinders: Lock and Key (2022)
Season 6, Episode 6
3 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Was it the best season? The most "Peaky Blinders" that we have come to associate with the brothers Shelby? No. Do I care in the slightest after this perfect, cathartic finale? Also no. We have been historically spoiled by outrageous cinematography, exceptional soundtrack and biting dialogue and thankfully they all dovetailed here.

It's so hard to get an ending befitting of such a modern classic- just ask GOT, Sopranos or even Line of Duty (if it's over) But Tommy having his cake and eating it, before riding off on a white horse comes pretty damn close. Is he riding away from "hell", his previous life burning which enables him to be a one man mission to defeat fascism? Possibly. What I do know is I feel just that little bit more secure, knowing he is still rattling around. Goodbye Tommy. In the bleak midwinter....
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