Review of She

The Good Doctor: She (2018)
Season 1, Episode 14
Great episode.
24 February 2022
I'm just starting to watch this show and I understand that this was aired just a few years ago, and although trans folks have been around since always, I understand that this had not become a mainstream topic until maybe one or two years ago.

I think it was a little odd that Dr. Murphy was not familiar with trans folks. I mean, I've never gone to medicine school, but I'm sure that the subject has to pop up at some point since it also has a lot to do with public health and things of that nature. However, I believe the writers did good telling the story of this little girl and the people around who loved and cared for her; idk if there's trans folks in the crew but it was lovely to see a trans actress playing this character.

To those whining about some «political agenda»: don't. How come every time we see the same boring ass heterosexual stories being told you seem to be OK with it? Even though not everyone identifies as heterosexual. But all of the sudden, one show that has put almost 90 episodes out there dedicates one single episode to telling the story of a character who happens to be part of the diversity and then it becomes «a political agenda». Grow a pair and grow up!
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