Review of It's a Date

It's a Date (1940)
Watchable, well crafted non-MGM comedy-musical
29 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The movie held my attention, is engaging and is well crafted, from the 'bookend' opening and closing scenes, to consistent characterizations and a clear story line. There were a few humorous lines almost breaking the 4th wall. I don't know movies well enough to make a case for other actors who could have been any better; we can imagine others who might have been more funny or absurd. Here, no one much stole the show. And it could have made a nice stage production (If this was never a stage production).

Ms. Durbin did very well presenting a devious __ so sweetly. Because it was with supposed to be with 99 pct good intentions of her character. But to relieve some of the sugar shock for the audience, she got to push Mr. Arlen W. Pidgeon) overboard from the cruise ship on her realizing some of the first round of deception early in the film. However, physical comedy was not otherwise used in the film.

Mr. Pidgeon was very presentable then as actor who could have played James Bond in another time, had to inhabit a character was nearly 'taken for a ride' by the younger Ms. Drake. Mr. Arlen started to show as a weak man (this got it a bit close, for me, to breaking the 'integrity' of the story.) but it built tension that had to be broken. Mr. Arlen finally got a moment to spirit the senior Ms.. Drake away from the gaze of the headstrong somewhat 'wack' (after all!) Ms. Pamela Drake to propose - Hmm, seemed after they hardly had time to get to know each other. Oh, well. The story and personal dilemmas were enabled to be resoled.

The device of having main players not getting to the point at critical moments was carried through. It did not become too tedious and i accepted it (so glad it had to be ended for the film to reach it's expected conclusion! ). This way may be older than this movie, and it sure got used lots for decades later in sitcoms.

I just watched from DVR to 2 am while it's snowing in NY. More watchable than I imagined, The rating is somewhat high, though well deserved.
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