Photocopier (2021)
One Of The Best Indonesia Movie
15 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
OMFG This is really look what happening now, the victims can only silent and cannot say anything about it, cause they don't believe them and cause they don't have solid evidence and the Victims find it hard to find justice. I just can't stop open my mouth like surprise while watching this, this is is a masterpiece super recommended movie to watch. My emotions while watching this is really super swing like happy,mad, and sad. I really feel bad and sad for the victim's. I really mad and hate her father he's super annoying don't wanna listen to her, and her mom cannot say anything, and maybe scared with her husband, this is really look like what happening now. The plot twist was kinda make me shock and the driver is really make me shock, and he's very annoying to, and her friend to he was make me surprise . When the movie was going to end I just like mad and wanna cry deep inside my heart I really want to scream. Very recommended to watch.
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