Rubberneck (2012)
Pretty good.
26 November 2021
This was better than I expected. Kinda surprised me. One thing tho, I don't really buy the two of them hooking up... She just seems out of his league, while he just looks like a dorky dude from the IT department. I mean, it's nowhere near as bad as the mismatch in the remake of Night of the Demons (that one totally requires a suspension of disbelief), but still...

They could have at least had him act more confident or smooth, something to kind of curtail the obvious "physical" distance between them. But he just comes off as desperate, like Bud Bundy going thru his book of numbers trying to land a date, in character as Grand Master B.

For anyone that starts thinking how horrible I must be to infer looks are that important, be honest with yourself, when's the last time you saw a girl looking like Katy Perry or holding hands with a dude that looks like Vince Neil NOW? Or a Chris Hemsworth with his arm around a Toni Collette? Trust me, I WISH it were different (if not just for my sake), but that's the harsh reality of it. Maybe once every 7 years, you see a couple totally all about each other where it's kind of hard to buy that they're actually a couple, but that's it.

All these people out there protesting for equal rights and treatment, saying we should all be on the same level as people, saying end prejudice, we're all individuals but the same on the inside, etc... But really, how many of them have a significant other that is SIGNIFICANTLY less attractive than them?

Just think about it.. sorry for using this comment as a forum for my opinion, but the topic just got me off on a tangent. It really just bugs me...
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