Star Trek: Discovery: Anomaly (2021)
Season 4, Episode 2
Meet the (nu)ferengi
25 November 2021
-Actually this is not such a bad episode,it has exploration ,but if that (nu)ferengi is not a hybrid ,then i want to ask the producers ,why they are still changing the races even if they know the fans will be very deranged by this,it has no sense,they will loose audience and nobody wins nothing from this and certainly will not bring new fans because of the angry reviews. Star Trek has become ,just like the Mtv after the year 2000 ,something weird and senseless. The only solution to bring back the fans,who certainly will leave when B5 will rise again,is to erase everything they made after Star Trek Enterprise and start again with a sequel without any modification to alien races . And by the way ,Wilson Cruz saying good bye and blocking the fans who are politely showing their disapproval on the new Star Trek changes on Twitter is not helping the franchise. Somebody should remind him that he or not even the new producers are not owning the Star Trek franchise and they are still living from the fans audience so they will do better listening our suggestions when is still time to repair the damage.
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