Broken Harts (2021)
8 November 2021
This is one of the Worst and Most Heart breaking Travesties in the past few years!!

I can't believe that these 2 white lesbians, Pretended to want kids, all the while, it was just for a SOCIAL MEDIA EGO BOOST!!! People, stop believing what you see on Stupid Lying Social Media. People just pretend to have better lives to make you jealous and feed their Monstrous EGO's. These poor children were nothing more than Props for Photo OP's. And all the Social Media junkies, just Eat this Up and look how that turned out for 6 innocent kids??? :O

I have no objection to alternate family structures, as long as the kids are wanted, loved, well cared for and not being abused.

I have BIG issue with this couple, As it seems they adopted 3 young black children, whom they seem to be taking good care of, at least if you believe the pictures and posts online. But turns out they had a history of abuse reported by teachers and school nurses. And since stupid America doesn't have a Child abuse Registry these (white) women were just slapped on the hand, the kids left with them, and they just moved to another state and started their FAKE LOOK at My Wonderful LOVELY HAPPY Kids I saved Facebook Media Site. And people fell for all the lies and couldn't get enough, while these kids were being, abused, starved, force to perform a Happy Dance in public or in front of cameras like trained circus poodles. Then thrown back into that house of HOrror. (Just cause a house is clean and neat doesn't mean it isn't a Nightmare) Where the main caregiver, Jen, just spend time Leading a Video Game group of over 50 players and thinking of new photo ops for the kids to Feed her Hero Savior complex and her massive EGO.

I hope that these poor kids deaths are Not in Vain and that Full Cooperation from all states in the US finally get a Registry of Abuse and Neglect for Children in Place. And that a lot of the Stupid Judges out there that have handed kids back to horrific abuse and death are removed. They obviously aren't paying much attention to these kids cases and I wouldn't trust them to clean my cat box. Much less to decide on a child's safety.

But to make things worse, they let these 2 monsters adopt a 2nd set of 3 young black siblings. Whom were taken from Their real Auntie, who had loved and taken excellent care of them, but for 1 mistake, she let their real mom see them. And the courts whisked them away. At worst all that should have happened was to document the incident and make it clear to the Auntie if this happened again she would potentially lose custody of the children.

Social Media has just become A HUGE DANGER, and is so Full of FAKE Garbage, people pretending their lives are great, they have so much, they look so great when in reality the bulk of them Don't. Its an Illusion. And It's harming young people lives, self-esteem and especially small children. You all do know the Pedophiles follow all your kids pics online too Right??? It's not just adoring mom's and dads.

I wait with baited breath to see if they can take down this Evil monster known as FACEBOOk (aka META (that abuses and exploits people with their meta data they so easily hand over, many not realizing they are making a deal with the Devil and sacrificing themselves and their kids) Yeah, there's been a few good things to come from social media, finding a pet, a lost loved one, but overall the harm to children, teens, adults, animals, democracy is Much HIGHER.. Social Media has caused More Harm than Good and has made us a Bunch of Unfriendly, lying and Jealous FREAKS!! It's stealing all the Good things in our Humanity, with very little in return that's positive.

All we can do is pray for these 6 children now. And work hard NOT to let this happen again and again and again. :(
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