I didn't like it
2 November 2021
This felt way too short and the plot basically a deus ex machina and the ending more or less leaves the universe how it started.

To pad the review out a lot didn't make sense to me.

Why make a new series of nexus without an expiration date ? It was supposed to be the fail safe ! Asking for trouble.

Why would humans basically go on an all out war hunting these new nexus? Considering blade runners exist for this purpose?

Where are the blade runners, we don't see any and it's supposed to be upto them to take these nexus out ?

Don't they have any kind of way to restrict nexus models coming to earth ? Really ? I assume they would have to come in through some kind of a port ?

Really it was too short and the plot felt way too simple and resolved way too easily but ultimately the story left the world how it began just with different names.
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