Too many directors spoiled the experience...
29 August 2021
Right, well I stumbled upon the 2017 horror movie "The Moose Head Over the Mantel" by random chance in 2021. And with it being a horror movie that I hadn't already seen, of course I needed no persuasion to sit down and watch the movie.

Well, the concept behind the storyline, as written by Jessi Gotta, definitely had some potential, and the atmosphere was definitely fitting for a horror story.

However, the execution of the movie and bringing the storyline to life on the screen by directors Rebecca Comtois, Bryan Enk, Jessi Gotta, Matthew Gray, Shannon K. Hall and Jane Rose was just a confusing mess of attempting to patch the work of different direction styles into a comprehensive storyline. And it just didn't really work out all that great. In fact, I have to admit that I just gave up on the movie not even halfway through. Everything in the movie was just too random and chaotic, and there wasn't really a red thread throughout the movie.

The acting performances, in the time I was watching this heap of a mess, were actually adequate. The actors and actresses in the movie were putting on good enough performances, despite of having a lousy storyline and script to work with.

"The Moose Head Over the Mantel" was a swing and a miss, and it is not one that I will be returning to attempt to finish watching, simply because it was a movie in disarray and lacking structure and proper direction. Nor is it a movie that I would recommend you waste your time, money or effort on. And for a horror movie, then "The Moose Head Over the Mantel" was just not cutting it.

My rating of this 2017 horror movie lands on a generous two out of ten stars.
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