Once You Laminate Something, People Trust It
23 June 2021
Oh, man, I love a find like this one. A complete indie effort, the cast is outstanding, the story is super fun, and the dialog flows smoothly. You'll watch this film with a silly grin, I promise you that much.

So, Harvey (Dave Coyne) is dying. Having led a perfectly normal, law-abiding life as a notary public and "fact checker at a legal firm", he has decided to break as many laws as possible before he kicks off the planet. Along the way, he hooks up with an assortment of characters, to include Luke (Nick DePinto), his wayward criminal guide, and Shuri (also known as "Shifty" - Nadia Mohebban) a randomly kidnapped office worker who hates her job and decides to join Harvey and Luke on their cross-country crime spree.

Robbing drug dealers? Check. Grand theft auto? Check. Dine and dash? That's a double-check. Theft of your grins and giggles? Watch and see!

This film will make you want to break your chains and run, baby! Highly recommended!
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