MeatEater (2012– )
U gotta love netflix
4 May 2021
Well u got the conservatives up in arms about netflix green lighting cuties (which honestly everyone should be as it is pure garbage) and now u got all the bleed blue liberals mad about this show. Meanwhile netflix just rakes in the dough and laughs. What a funny world we live in.

As for the show, it's great. Someone complained about this guy missing some shots. Good. It shows he's human and normal like the rest of us. It's not fake with bs editing all the time. I'm not a hunter at all(more into fishing) but this show makes me want to start hunting. It's interesting, educational, and just a good show to watch with your family. I love the host and would love to go on a hunt with him and then cook up the meat and drink some beer. 'Merica!
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