13 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
As an African American who have seen and read documentaries and biopics on Fred Hampton, this movie I cannot recommend. Don't get me wrong, after all I've read and seen over the decades, I STILL can't say that I know the full Fred Hampton story. But I know THIS film isn't anywhere NEAR a true depiction. This movie here is just trying to get some empathy awards during/before Oscar time based on race and the BLM movement. All that "Judas and the Black Messiah" really is is a slow emotional buildup to a black mans assassination. The SAD part is that this film could have easily been about ANY black man, because it never once depicted the true Fred Hampton. The title " Judas and the Black Messiah" doesn't even focus on who Bill O'Neal (Judas) was and what his motivations REALLY were. All we know from the "filmmaker" is that she views O'Neal as a traitor. Why not tell us why? Because emotion kills logic, so there doesn't have to be any truth OR logic right? If there are any people who are interested in more truth about Hampton or BBP? Try any and every documentary on the subject before you use this film as the truth.

This movie is just more lazy filmmaking.
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