Spice and Wolf (2008–2009)
Beautiful but...
8 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The characters are adorable, and if you like economics it has a lot of interesting points, but in the show they don't stop saying that the main character is a good merchant when in fact he barely escapes debt and bankruptcy in many stressing situations along the show. I know that if everything is simple and easy this show wouldn't be as interesting, but there are too many of these situations. It a lot frustating that he isn't stronger to defend himself when he gets betrayed by a lot of people, it's like he has supreme luck to manage to keep alive but just that, never geting a better situation. We, as viewers are told he has great intuition for bussiness, but it's showed in the complete opposite, for example when he makes a deal trusting a complete stranger (final chapters of the second season). At least, Holo is adorable as hell ^^
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