The Serpent: Episode #1.2 (2021)
Season 1, Episode 2
Episode 2
7 January 2021
If I have one reservation. The makers of this series wanted to highlight the victims rather than glorify Charles Sobhraj.

By the end of the first episode we knew that the young Dutch couple had died. I thought it would be left there.

In episode two, we see how they were mistreated by Sobhraj and Marie-Andrée Leclerc.

Sobhraj method was to poison their drinks and slowly nurse them better. Then make them ill again. I was wondering if this was really needed.

This was his modus operandi with others as well. Leclerc watches how he poisons and robs a wealthy western couple that Sobhraj disliked.

This was an episode that also sees Marie-Andrée Leclerc being seduced by Sobhraj's charm and evil. All he had to do was convince her to act as a fashion model and show her an insight to a more glamorous life.

The hero and moral centre really is Herman Knippenberg. For a diplomat he is not very diplomatic as he tries to get to the truth.

Knippenberg is still alive. I doubt he will sue the makers of this series for libel regarding how he has been portrayed.
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