Battlestar Galactica (1978–1979)
Still pretty good in many ways.
30 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I first watched this when I was 6 or 7 years old. I loved it when I was a little kid. Now I'm in my forties and decided to give it a rewatch during the pandemic.

Some things didn't date well, such as costumes, haircuts, music & dancing at the bar scenes. And frankly technology. The big computers systems appear clunky. The cylons, well I thought they were cool, but gotta admit, they're probably outdated too. Still love the vipers.

I loved Apollo and Starbuck as a kid, and again now that I'm older. These two actors had charisma and charm. Usually, a vanilla character like Apollo would bore me, but I like his passion and the actor's delivery of lines. Now that I'm older, I really appreciate other characters such as Adama, Tigh, and Boomer. I wish there was more of Athena, Adam's daughter, and Apollo's sister. In fact I wish there were more female-centric stories. Baltar is still a great villain.

I think most importantly is that the mythos and the tie-in to ancient mythology and the Egyptians still work. This must no doubt be a fave among ancient alien enthusiasts. I just think they did a pretty good job on the main concept of the show. There are a couple of lemon episodes. But overall it's still really good. Too bad they only had one season. Yet it had such a popular following that it generated a popular reboot. I'd love to watch the reboot. I tried when it first came out, but they did that shaky-camera thing that bothers my eyes and brain. I may give it another shot.

The only thing is now that I'm older and more cynical, is the idea that Adama and the Galactica has about the shiny planet of Earth. They put all their hopes and dreams into it. All I can think as I watched, is "if only they knew how badly earthlings suck." We would totally inter these people at a secret camp, steal their technology, interrogate them on everything, force them to work for us, and/or kill them. See, cynical.

Anyway, I still appreciate the series. It was a little surreal taking me back to my childhood during the pandemic. It's not perfect, but still pretty watchable. I enjoyed it. 6/10
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