BOMBSHELL: The Hedy Lamarr Story
18 December 2020
Hedy Lamarr was a remarkable woman, and like so many other remarkable people she was a complex individual with a dark side.

Her first taste of fame was the 1933 Czech film "Extase" in which she appeared naked. The film was controversial and scandalous, although by today's standards your grandmother wouldn't be shocked.

She is also known as an inventor, and is said to have had a fascination from an early age with how things work.

Lamarr was married and divorced no fewer than six times; the documentary does not gloss over this, nor about the two incidents of shoplifting, which were clearly the result of psychological issues rather than financial ones. Not mentioned is the 1967 incident in which she falsely accused her younger lover Donald Blythe of rape, an incident that cost her $15,000.

At one time she was said to be the most beautiful woman in the world, but as she aged and her looks faded, she resorted unwisely to plastic surgery, something that did not go unnoticed. We hear from many people who knew her, including her offspring. Lamarr died in January 2000 at the relatively advanced age of 85. She was buried in her native Austria.
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