Review of Archons

Archons (2018)
The Sophomore Effort from Szostakiwskyj & Tremblay I was Hoping For
27 October 2020
Archons is probably to ambiguous for most. But for those that like atmospheric films you can lose yourself in, tonally appropriate music, & practical effects to satisfy the stuffiest of cinephiles.

Cameron Tremblay's camera work is once again the story here. The second film from the filmmaking Canadian dynamic duo builds technically from freshman effort Black Mountainside (2016).

Performances are portrayed seriously enough with arguably the strongest showing delivered by new comer, Parmiss Sehat. On paper the premise may sound silly but through the tactile hands on approach director Nick Szostakiwskyj delivers his story through our characters, you almost believe that the absurd can become reality. These filmmakers know how to execute isolation and the effects that can have on ones self and a group.

Characters were a little less fleshed out than in their previous film and I found myself ultimately detached about any of them potentially meeting their fate. A group of thrown together scientists, doctors & specialists had a more cohesiveness BMS then this group of one hit wonder rockers. This is the biggest blemish and hopefully future films can get back to that masterful character development I know these creators are more than capable of.

I can't say enough about how refreshing it is to watch a film filled to the brim with costumes, make-up, and actors who can convey terror rather than have it be bought and paid for on a computer. They absolutely go for it unabashedly and deftly hide any seems with flawless lighting and camera placement.

If you loved Black Mountainside as I did, then this is a fantastic showing of growth and I can't wait until the next film delivered by this troupe.
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