Let's play doctors and nurses.
25 September 2020
People required to isolate themselves, asked to keep their distance and resources stretched to breaking point..... All this sounds horribly familiar! On New Year's Eve Dr. Steven Monks is asked to examine a patient with unusual symptoms. We know there's something distinctly unpleasant ahead when he asks her the ominous question: "Have you been in contact recently with anyone from the Far East?" It turns out to be smallpox which even if it doesn't kill can wreak havoc with the complexion. As luck would have it there are sufficient stocks of vaccine to immunise what appears to be the entire population of Bath but of course one has slipped under the radar.......... Director Val Guest who has adapted this from the novel of Elleston Trevor, keeps the tension and momentum going and has the services of some fine actors. Richard Johnson and Claire Bloom are excellent as indeed they are in 'The Haunting', released the same year. Great support from Michael Goodliffe, Mervyn Johns and inveterate scene-stealer Cyril Cusack. The character played by Yolande Donlan seems rather silly and shallow at the outset but certainly shows another aspect of her character towards the end! It is Basil Dignam as the health officer who is gifted the best line. When reading out the varied professions of those who have succumbed he remarks: "The earth's all the same shape." We hardly need reminding that the Grim Reaper is no respecter of persons.
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