The Blackout (1997)
AF B grade coolness
16 July 2020
I will say this- Abel Ferrara makes good, slice of real life movies mostly from half baked.scripts. The Blackout joins that list, a movie even more darker than the underrated, and so harshly criticized, Dangerous Game, and with a similar haziness, and atmosphere, to the one he did called, The Addiction, one AF film, I didn't particularly like. This movie could even serve as a severe warning, to how drugs, booze, sex, and blackouts, make a deadly cocktail of destruction, where in this case, there's no turning back, for our leading man, Modine. He plays a lesser known, down and out, Hollywood actor called Matty (catchy) now hanging with the bottom crowd of actors, filmmakers, of course, led by a somewhat shady director, yes, you guessed it, Hopper, who indulges in sex orgies and filming borderline porn, with girls half his age. One scene right near the end, showing him in a familiar, if cliche'd Hopper anger, almost took it's toll on me, partly due to the late actor being such an unappreciated talent. A list model, Claudia Schiffer dabbing in the acting, doesn't fare bad as Modine's new girlfriend. His former one, Dalle, caused him much distress, and again, you'll see why these vices, suck and have such irreparable consequences. Again, the message in this movie, is that indulging in these vices, can only lead to destruction. What I love about The Blackout, is the less is more, concept, the ambiguous factor, leaving us trying to fit the pieces, while wanting more. The Blackout is a cool AF film, with a poster that kicks arse, and really makes for a quite engrossing drama, it's last scene of a washed away Modine, cooly metaphoric. It's a solid made film that boasts, professional, and real performances, and Hopper bragging about remaking that 1982 vaguely known adult sex drama, Nana, instigates a few chortles. On the whole, a definite recommended view, and Schiffer is cute, and so is Annie 2.
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