Barnaby Jones: Death on Deposit (1974)
Season 3, Episode 11
Lois nails it
12 July 2020
A Lois Nettleton performance is often a joy and she does not disappoint here in her role as a small town bank owner. Really an amazing performance.

Norman Rockwellish portrayals of small towns were fairly popular on TV during the 1970s and early 1980s. In early scenes, this episode does a great job of establishing the small town in a just a few brush strokes, so that you can dive right into the story and its world.

Lois' performance, sexy and warm but with something else behind it, does a lot to bring us into that world. Unlike other Barnaby Jones episodes, where the motivations of the criminals sometimes leave you scratching your head, the crimes in this episode are well motivated for all too human reasons. One of the best episodes of Barnaby Jones.
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