I'm gonna crack through with a story so hot that old . . . Skinner can't turn it down!
16 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
After running the Torchy Blane franchise into the ground with their previous 2 efforts Warner Brothers made a swell rebound with Torchy Runs For Mayor (1939). The movie boasts a solid script that puts Torchy front and center again as she attempts to rid her city of corruption. Unfortunately, and perhaps as a sign of the times, the movie hedges it's bets by derailing her mission and resorting to the tired tactic of putting her in a dangerous situation that requires rescue by the men, specifically Steve McBride & Gahagan. Still, it's a good ride for nearly 50 minutes until that point and Director Ray McCarey manages to squeeze both suspense and thrills out of the familiar climax.

Screaming headlines announce that Torchy is after the corrupt Doctor Dolan who runs the Mayor and everything else. The narrative is well constructed as she and Dolan engage in a chess match for the soul of the city. Neither will give in as they strive to outwit each other; often employing nefarious and manipulative means to do so. Torchy herself is not above bugging the Mayor's office to acquire incriminating dope or inveigling dupes to do her bidding which results in some dire consequences. Of course Dolan is terribly corrupt and even resorts to murder to win the game so Torchy's comparatively benign actions seem justified. Her ultimate trump card is to run for mayor and this propels the tale to its conclusion.

Glenda Farrell provides her final headline as Torchy Blane and thankfully the script permits her to go out in style. Her enthusiasm, wit, and intrepidness are on full display as she seeks to make her city a fit place to raise babies. No one ever embodied a feisty, truth-seeking heroine quite like Miss Farrell and all who followed in her wake owe her a tremendous debt of gratitude.

Barton MacLane contributes his usual solid performance as Steve McBride and is allowed to run a gamut of emotions which add a lot to the character. He demonstrates cleverness and diplomacy but particularly shines in the moments where he knows Torchy is in danger and subjugates everything else to find her. There is a scene of standard 30s machismo when he scoffs at the idea of Torchy running the city as mayor while he sits at home peeling potatoes but MacLane plays it so well it comes off as funny rather than chauvinistic.

To the benefit of the story Tom Kennedy's role as the numbskull Gahagan is reduced and he has minimal opportunities to perform his schtick. However, he does contribute more to the plot and Kennedy gives what is perhaps his best, most well-rounded performance in the role. Frank Shannon returns with more screen time than usual as Captain McTavish while George Guhl, Joe Cunningham, and Jimmy Conlin appear briefly in their familiar roles of Desk Sergeant Graves, Maxie, and the Coroner, respectively. Meanwhile, unofficial series regulars John Harron and John Ridgely make appearances, too.

After Glenda Farrell acting honors go to John Miljan as Doctor Dolan. Miljan delivers a slick performance as the puppeteer behind the mayor and demonstrates a keen mind more than capable of battling Torchy Blane. Familiar Warner Brothers character actor Joe Downing enacts Spuds O'Brien, Dolan's right hand man, and demonstrates his talent for exhibiting both menace and comedy. Unlike his usual one note, grimacing gangster characters he, too, is pretty clever and resourceful. It is amazing how much a film like this can benefit from such well written and enacted adversaries.

The ending of the film, wherein Torchy wins her bid for Mayor but immediately abdicates when confronted by a cooing infant, would have made for a wonderful conclusion to the run. She had already been fired from her newspaper while Steve had quit the police force so he could chase after a missing Torchy without being encumbered by his badge. Indeed, they rush off together and one could happily assume they'll acquire yet another marriage license and finally become spliced. Unfortunately, the studio would find it necessary to produce one more Torchy Blane adventure featuring an almost entirely new cast and coffin nails for the series.
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