Batman: The Telltale Series (2016 Video Game)
Dark Knight of the soul.
15 May 2020
'Batman: The Telltale Series (2016)' is a choice-based narrative adventure that follows Batman as he comes face to face with several foes both in and out of the mask. The story has its own distinct spin on the often-seen Gotham and its inhabitants; it doesn't take any real inspiration from the comics, aside from the basic premise. It's a compelling adventure that features some great writing, as is usual with Telltale games, and its choices add a layer of urgency to most of its moments. The broad strokes of the narrative may always remain the same - or, at least, similar - but your actions feel like they have consequences and the way in which certain relationships change according to the way you respond to them is a nice touch. There's as much focus on Wayne as there is Batman, here, which is a distinct slant on the character (at least, when it comes to games) that pays off well. You can choose whether Batman is vicious or merciful, just brutal enough or far too brutal for his own good, a hero or a monster. The thing is typically quite gripping, even if it feels rather basic in terms of its gameplay. Its quick-time events give you enough time to respond and most of its dialogue options give a clear idea of what they're going to lead to (an issue with some similar titles). Some of its story beats aren't as refined as they could have been and the overall plot feels, in a way, somewhat straightforward. Still, it's an entertaining experience overall. The art style is engaging and the story is enjoyable. It's a good time. 7/10
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