Review of 13 Graves

13 Graves (2019)
The Dead May Be Revolting... But They Wont Petrify You...
3 May 2020
13 Graves is an underdeveloped film. Not all its ideas are entirely formed. The movie remains an enjoyable waste of time though.

John Langridge, the writer and director, gives the audience a good twist on a ghost story. When a gangster's son tries to cheat her out of a deal, she doles out her justice... She has her henchmen take him into the woods... and not for a picnic. Luckily for him, these woods are not strictly natural. For one thing, the mobsters use them for their graveyard.

Roaming this woodland is a hulk of a woodsman. Could the woodsman be guilty of digging up the executed or is something sinister responsible?

Imagine walking through the foliage shadowed land. You hear a noise. Is an animal nearby or is somebody stalking you? This unease is what you should feel throughout the movie. However, the creepiness is lacking in the film. This is a major disappointment since it's a horror flick.

Langridge doesn't lack the skill to create atmosphere. He easily builds excitement and works in a few comedic elements. He has the talent, he just doesn't utilise it completely.

The ambience isn't the only thing not wholly implemented. When one of the cold-blooded-killers gets chased through the woods, it would have been great to watch the chase. However, he falls into the building his mate's in, rolls over, and say's, "There's something out there!" This is a wasted occasion to create the missing creepiness.

The cast is great. Everyone gives their best, and their expertise is clear. They raise the film out of its directorial and pacing predicaments. They don't make the picture great, but they keep it watchable.

Morgan James as the hitman Terry looks tough, a guy you wouldn't mess with. But he does a great sarcastic face. Terry's the one who adds most of the humour.

Terri Dwyer as the mob boss Maddy is perfect. She's cool, collected, and intelligent. But her cruel ruthlessness is what you'll remember. When she confronts her son about his deceit, you know you wouldn't her for your mother.

Maddy's treacherous son, Billy, is admirably portrayed by Jacob Anderton. He's great at portraying a con artist, always thinking and scheming. It may be these traits that keep him alive.

Even Michael McKenn who plays Maddy's dead husband Len gives a powerful performance. Though he says little, he has the right bearing for a mob boss. Whenever he's on-screen, you envisage a man of power. A man of influence and authority.

This film isn't the best it could be, and the ending is confusing, however, it's still worth one viewing. If you like gangster films or ghost stories, give the movie a look-see. If you don't, then I'd suggest leaving this film alone. Especially since better movies are available to watch first.

Ratings: Story 1.25 : Direction 0.75 : Pace 0.75 : Acting 1.5 : Enjoyment 1 : Total 5.25 / 10

Scarper across to my Absolute Horror list and check where this un-creepy ghost story got planted in my ratings.

Take Care and Stay Well.
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