Club Lingerie (2014)
Amateur film and that's been gernerous
20 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
OMG this film is so bad, its car crash movie making where no one can act and the continuity is non-exsistant. Though this movie does have it's place such as a drinking game or if you have had too many rollups. I wonder if the director thought hey lets get some nice looking models (yes they are stunning to be fair) and write some flimsy plot or make it up as we go and and employee actors who will be paid a share of the profits. I kid you not there is one scene where the club owner is obviously reading from queue cards, actors linger in a scene and then just un-naturally walk off the set. The only redeeming quality of this film is how bad it is as it's a complete mess, if you managed to stay the distance then there is even some sort of puppet that orally pleasures a transvestite guest of the club and a strange unknown character who pops up to sell flowers. It's like this hey i'm making a movie want to be in it, I can't pay you but i can give you a random walk on part !! .If you are out for titulation, then forget it as this film is clearly a hand held home made mess. Finally there is a murderer afoot well i wonder who that is, well you will find out with about 90 seconds of the films budget running out.
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