Not bad, but THE PRIESTS was much better. Too much religious propaganda here.
17 April 2020
'The Divine Fury' reminded me of 'The Priests', also a South Korean film.

The film certainly delivers its share of noise in the form of screams, growling, snaring, etc. At least the cinematography is beautiful, considering its a horror film, and the visuals were also very good. I enjoyed the fact they didn't play loud 'scary' music during some of the scenes, like Hollywood usually does. Note creepy background effects, like shadows. This is always highly effective instead of in-your-face visuals. Some images are truly disturbing.

The story itself isn't really unique. We've seen this a dozen times before. The bad guy conducting his evil from a club was a bit cliched. The club itself was a great design, though. As for the acting, the best actor by far was Sung-Ki Ahn as Father An. There was nothing special about Seo-joon Park's acting as the lead. The little boy was a much better actor.

My main criticism about the film is the religious propaganda. If I didn't know any better, I'd have believed this to be made by the Church (or the Pope himself!) to promote Christianity. At times, their religious conversations seemed to go on forever, eventually sounding like a sermon. That was a bit much for a horror film...

The climatic finale was good.
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