Hunted (2015– )
sort of fun to watch if you keep in mind that it's not real
12 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
In the credits they state up front that they're simulating police tactics. Um, this disclaimer is probably for official authorities. They would probably run a foul of the law if they were tracking anyone as they claim. I mean nobody has access to anpr, cctv, electronic bank records and so on, not lawfully. Some of it is technically interesting because of course the state does have systems in place like those shown but it's not the simple technology as they make it appear. e.g. you can't just tie into every cctv camera in the country, that's silly But, I found it hilarious the way in which they stage various scenes with the hunted like the episode with the so-called military man who dawns a camoflage suit, which he called a 'guinea' suit (yep, 'guinea', not 'gilley') and then proceeds to crawl across this lawn, of course in broad daylight. He looked like sasquatch in a mound of mown grass. I couldn't stop laughing. That was just too funny. I assume all the participants, both hunters and hunted are not actors but c'mon, none of it is real. It's all staged and scripted and that makes for entertaining tv. Like the crack team of hunters who are supposedly working day and night for 28 days and yet they never appear to change their clothes. Check for yourself. Season 2, ep1 to ep6 and these people are wearing the same clothes. So either they shot all these scenes in one day or I hope they're getting paid well because that room must stink. So highly recommended low brow entertainment for those who like to talk to their tv, otherwise watch reruns of downtown abbey. And, just in case the hunter credentials are actually as they claim, you've done a disservice to your country because you guys couldn't find a queen at a coronation.
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