Review of Must/Can't

The Outsider: Must/Can't (2020)
Season 1, Episode 10
An outsider knows an outsider
9 March 2020
Having read a few non-spoiler reviews of the final episode prior to watching, I was shocked to learn how disappointed some were with how this show ends.

Fortunately, everyone's opinion will differ - especially when it comes to a story whose eerie undertones seem to spike less and less frequently as the season progresses. That said, I'd say this episode hit all the right notes with pacing, character arcs, and answering just enough of the questions the audience has been riddled with since that start.

The way things are concluded makes sense. People's frustrations may be borne from having wildly different ideas as to where things were headed, but, again, that is inevitable with such a story. Its unpredictability is its strongest feature.

The few questions that remain and the residual unknown that is rightly left for the audience to think about is the smartest approach to leaving the option of a second season open. Even if it doesn't happen, the final (post-credits) scene is perfect.

I thoroughly enjoyed the show. Sure, it has slow parts. It certainly requires commitment and patience, but in the end it's worth it. The strong acting across the board also helps. Ben and Cynthia nailed it.
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