The less you know, the better
21 December 2019
First I want to say, because I personally came here looking for the answer to this specific question: This IS a real documentary. For the first 10-15 min of this series, I was seriously thinking this was a mockumentary. It totally has that feel to it...at first. But I can tell you that after watching all three parts, it IS real. Without spoiling anything, I can confirm that they include actually archival news footage regarding elements of this case from CNN, various Canadian and European newscasts, as well as a brief interview with Justin Trudeau, who speaks directly about elements of the case. So yes, it's real.

But let me also say that the less you know about this story, the better. I somehow managed to live through the time period of the major events of this case (2010-2014) without ever hearing about this story. So what unfolds in this documentary is one of the most wild, insane, gruesome, and shocking series of events I've ever seen in a true crime doc.

I'm giving this doc 9 stars because the way the director chooses to tell and reveal the story is brilliant. Bits and pieces of info are given to you at precise moments that will lead you to believe you know what's happening, only for another piece of info to be revealed that will absolutely blow your mind and leave you questioning what you think you know. There is so much suspense and it never stops building. From the beginning to the end, I was absolutely gripped. It never failed to hold my attention.

This doc is not for the faint of heart. It is disturbing in unimaginable ways. But because of the way the story is told, I could not stop watching. It's hard to say I "loved" it because it is impossible to "love" a story like this. But I absolutely loved the craft of storytelling employed but the documentarians and the fact that you're kept guessing all the way to the end. One thing I think they could have improved was the way they delivered certain key pieces of information. There were moments when I wasn't sure of the facts that had been revealed, because they were presented in a confusing fashion. I had to rewind a few parts for clarity, to make sure I understood what was being revealed. Other than that, this doc far exceeded my expectations and I appreciated the philosophical question posed at the end.
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