Don't compare it to the book
6 December 2019
Yes, i know the film has the same title as the book and yes the description sites Spike Milligans life as being the basis of the storey, but dear readers if you look at the film on its own, I believe it deserves a far better review than some would have you believe.

The trouble with films that are supposedly based on books, they usually fall short. I have lost count of the reviews that compare the film to the source material and they typically follow the same path and end with the same conclusions. Directors come under fire for either sticking too closely or veering to far away. The current film is no exception and it mauled because its strays too far from the book. Here's a thought...maybe that's because the book cannot be filmed!! As one reviewer points out, the book is too crude and filthy, which doesnt translate itself to a great film. Another reviewer complains that the film is akin to a Carry On movie, which is unfair, there are no scantily clad ladies and minimal innuendo.

It's just a light hearted look at army life in the days before troops were sent off to the front. It is very loosely based on some of the stories in Spike Milligan's excellent memoir, but it is in no way an autobiographical film. There are one or two sad moments, but much silliness and whimsy. There is little or no smut or outright softcore, which became prevalent in the late 70s. Its just a little comedy portrayed by some well known faces.
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