Ending is way better than the first three quarters
2 August 2019
As usual there's a huge number of 9 or 10 star reviews from single review accounts trying to boost the rating. Don't be fooled! Great ending but the rest is slow and derivative.

Very slow to build to anything. The first hour could be easily cut to 30 mins or less to improve pacing without losing anything and would definitely improve the story of the two school girls. It's quite tiresome and childish at times.

Reviewers seem to praise the action but there is very little action and the plot expositions near the end should have been the meat of the movie.


The end action sequence is superbly put together, decently long, violent and entertaining. Action fans should watch it for this alone on a streaming service.

If there's ever a 'Part 2' and it carries on in the style of the ending it'd be a a truly great action film.
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