Review of Ghoul

Ghoul (2018)
Daring, Eerie and Innovative
1 July 2019
Daring, because they didn't care about possible oppressions of those so called religion based fanatics, or those groups of so called patriots.

Eerie, because soon after some 20 mins of the very first episode, you feel the chiller in your spine, and that just keeps on growing.

Innovative, because mixing of military acts and terrorist conducts with deep horror is almost a new genre.

The sets are quite befitting, so are the actors. Camera, lighting, editing are just apt. The story is the most powerful weapon of the series. What sometimes draws you back are the dialogs, those could be written in a more matured and legitimate manner - the series could have been top notch.

This dish is only for those who can digest the darkest and sinister side of human character and the hellish secrets.

Grand achievement, Netflix. We love you for these.
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