13 Graves (2019)
Darkly comic folk horror doesn't miss a beat!
26 June 2019
Thoroughly enjoyed this folk horror with a theme of karmic retribution running through it's core. The film sets up like a classic British gangster flick but slowly it becomes clear a more sinister force is at play. The relationships between the three male leads is very convincing and is punctuated with some great dark comic moments. For me the film really picks up pace as we are introduced to the presence of The Woodsman and The Acolytes, the drumming, powerfully provided by The Pentacle Drummers, adds a sense of impending doom and cultish ritual. The use of fire to highlight the faces of The Woodsman and Acolytes gives the scenes a dark ethereal quality. 13 Graves makes you take a different look at life, it's possibilities and the consequences of choices people make and in the current climate that couldn't be more relevant. I also love that this film is a folk horror which I always find particularly enjoyable and with other films in the genre also coming out this year, this film couldn't be more on trend.
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