A December Bride (2016 TV Movie)
Why are there so many glowing reviews?
22 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I am a cheesy movie fan and really enjoy Hallmark for its simplicity and predictability. Having said that, how on earth are there so many ten star reviews for A December Bride? The plot is terribly unrealistic. Just how does a jilted bride to be forgive her cousin for snagging her man? The main actress, Layla, is supposed to be a talented home stager and ends up decorating her fake fiance's home. He gives, basically a random stranger, his credit card to decorate his barren home for a Christmas. Honestly, a classroom of fifth graders could have done a better job. Layla's fake fiance's high end realtor friend ends up giving her a job for her impressive "decorating" skills. Oi vey! I am shocked at the fawning from the other reviews over Layla being beautiful and a great actress. She is plastic and can barely move her face and her acting is almost as bad as Meghan Markle's. If you need a good example of bad acting and give yourself a good laugh at the same time, pay attention to the crying scene in the wedding dress toward the end of the movie. Layla's aunt comments that her tears seem real!! Really? I am not saying that this an awful movie, far from it as the rest of the cast brings it together. This movie is a 5/10.
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