Decent low budget light thriller..
5 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The entire movie takes place on a train, with the focus being on 6 passengers. Some unknown person takes control of the train and the passengers have to try and find a way of stopping the train. It's a very simple story line which lacks some key information that one would want to know in a movie like this (I don't care about the train mechanics personally as most people wouldn't know the difference), I'm talking about the story development. We never find out why the guy took the train, there really is no urgency seen in the side of law enforcement or train officials trying to stop the train, only one person uses their cell phone to contact the police. It almost seemed like it wasn't a big deal that someone hijacked the train and was driving it 100mph for no reason. Otherwise, the acting was good enough, the characters were likable and the concept was good. This is a movie that could be redone with more meat added and be very good.
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