Heartlines (2006)
5 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Also known as "Knuckleheads." The story has two main characters. JP (Jaime Zevallos) is a security guard in his 30's who has had a rough life, but he is keeps going. He is working as a security guard for hedge fund operators. His girlfriend (Yerania Del Orbe) is expecting and he can't afford a decent ring. He is studying for his GED and Sarah (Seregon O'Dassey) tutors him as she has other ideas.

Manny (Steven Bauer) is down on his luck and is suicidal. His wife died and his children run away from him. He is basically a nice guy, but he is socially awkward and leans toward being obnoxious. He can break at any time.

This is a drama that teeters quite well as the story can go either way: a tragedy, or a tale of redemption. The acting left something to be desired and the lame sound track was able to amplify the bad acting, especially the scenes between JP and Sarah.

Similar in structure as a made for TV film.

Guide: F-bomb. No sex or nudity.
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