Supergirl: O Brother, Where Art Thou? (2019)
Season 4, Episode 15
Decent, kind of slow
20 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
It didn't occur to me until this episode how vital it would be for supergirl to have emergency medical training. I got so mad when she found James shot and didn't immediately start tending to his wounds or calling for help. This is your family friend's life on the line! And Lex Luthor is one of my favorite villains - next to Katie McGrath's in Merlin- but I found his escape unrealistic (I know that's a lot to ask for in a fictional superhero show but still... come on) Those prison guards followed the classic stormtrooper trope where they either didn't get a single shot off or they miss by 30 miles. Not to diss the actor but I don't see him as Lex he's not a scary enough actor.
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