Slow Starter turns into an Insane Jaw Dropping Finale!
9 March 2019
Whoah!!! The opening scenes are very intense and intriqueing and set the tone, but the film then turns into a slow brewing story of the girls young upbringing and seemingly boring ,normal life...That is...till the middle comes with some scenes that are shocking and will set you back in your seat! I wont say what it is but the tone shifts completely and the movie begins its turn to the dark side..things get very interesting and from that point on, I cant image Anyone being bored with this insane action scifi thriller of Unimagineble Power Unleashed in this young girl..The action scenes and effects are beyond superbly done and more than once I was awed at how it was made to look so bloody convincing and terrifying.When the finale begins, be prepared for a ride to the dark side, as a growing sense of potential building and growing stronger is created..the atmosphere is Intense...And then a Critical mass is reached and she has come to her Full potential...And its Unleashed!!! just Wow!..I actually found myself saying OMG! out loud over and over...Mind blown...The acting in this movie was very good, not the typical asian silliness thats often a stereotype of asian film..this was acted well, with realness,and intensity..The 2 bad guys, the woman and her henchman were superb!! What can I say?, This is a slow starter that starts to explode middway and goes Supernova in the Finale! I loved it..Superb korean film and top notch scifi horror thriller!
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