Strictly for the birds!
23 January 2019
The British excel at romantic comedies. There are loads to choose from, too, but this isn't one of them. This is clearly aimed at women only. There's nothing wrong with that, and it seems that the reviews are almost entirely written by women who enjoyed this.

But somehow, we are supposed to believe that the gaunt and boring Tennent has managed to nab a drop dead gorgeous blond, and he's going to give her up for the village idiot. Ridiculous.

The men have little to do and nothing to say. The man with the most lines is... you guessed it... gay! There's not much romance here but loads of women with lots to do and say. David Tennent is badly miscast as a leading man, although thankfully he doesn't have much to do.

Even the scenery is a lost opportunity. It's just gloomy, overcast and almost always raining.

The comedy is forced and drawn out, the drama is drab and sorely lacking in anything of interest for the viewer to cling on to. The ongoing joke about the press photographer is just annoying. The stilted and awkward dialogue is just embarrassing to sit through.

Worst of all is the bizarre playlist of awful songs. I gave it half an hour before my eyes started bleeding. Then again, I'm a bloke and this one is for the birds!
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