Anders Matthesen makes me proud to be a Dane!
30 December 2018
Where to start! What a funny movie, that is well-suited for adults as well as kids. Sure there is some brutal moments, but they are done in a very humorous way, which make the brutal moments, a little less frightening for the younger audience. In "Ternet Ninja" we see a movie that is not only great comedy, but a lovely light-hearted story about justice. You can see how hard anders has worked on this movie. It's clear to see that he has studied the younger generations general behavior and slang, and therefore the dialogue between the kids is not only very funny, but also very realistic.

Besides making a great script, Anders has also written some very good and funny songs as parodies on modern rap, and gives great voice-over performances. Also love that he brought back Terkel and Stewart Stardust, characters that fans of his former work will know for sure!
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