A very slow paced and monotone horror movie...
18 December 2018
I was lured in by a rather interesting movie cover, which turned out to oversell the movie by miles. The movie turned out to be nowhere near as interesting as the cover made it look like.

The storyline in the movie was adequate, albeit not interesting mind you. There were parts of the storyline and script that actually were quite adequate, but they were overshadowed by the mediocrity of the rest of the movie, which ranged from the special effects, the acting, the majority of the script and storyline and the entire premise of the movie.

The characters in the movie were fairly mundane and didn't really have much of depth or character development to them. In fact, some of them could actually have been replaced by cardboard cutouts.

There was nothing scary about "Family Possessions", unless you calculate the lack of a proper horror storyline into the equation. And almost nothing of any interest happened throughout the entire course of the movie. It was very monotone and slow paced.

As for the special effects, well let's just say you shouldn't get your hopes up. The was very little special effects in the movie. And the few times that you did see the dead and rotting lady, it was just laughable to look at. But the scene where you see a girl with her jaw mangled and tongue cut out that just tops it in terms of being fake to look at.

"Family Possessions" had me asleep twice throughout the course. But I woke up both times and continued to watch the movie, in the fading hope that the movie would pick up itself and become better. It didn't...
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