This story is quite out of the usual
23 September 2018
In two reels, the adventures of a rich Japanese youth in America. His money is his undoing, for he falls into the clutches of some designing persons and, not knowing our ways, is partly kicked and partly frightened into marrying a vampire creature with a pretty face. The opening scenes of the picture show his home life in Japan, his father and his fiancee. The closing scenes also are in Japan, after the news has come that the youth, after the outraged father had cut off his allowance, had found the woman faithless and killed her, giving himself up to the police. It will be noticed that this story is quite out of the usual. It is clear and dramatic in its progress. The acting is veryfair and, with the exception of one or two scenes (that college room scene is as bad as any picture that we have seen in two years) it is natural. It makes an excellent offering. The photography is good. - The Moving Picture World, June 13, 1914
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