Review of START

The Americans: START (2018)
Season 6, Episode 10
Fitting ending to one of the greatest television series of all time
31 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
And so one of the best shows of all time ends. I have to say, it wasn't at all what I expected. There was no death this episode, which is truly shocking. On one hand, I feel like the show could have opted to have a really climactic, explosive finale filled with all kinds of deaths, and it chose not to. I remember a few weeks ago when there was an article stating that in order for the show to cement its all-time status, the finale had to be one of complete tragedy. I myself thought that no series finale should be the deciding factor in that way, but at the same time I do think had the show opted to end with an obvious tragedy (Phil and Elizabeth die, their kids die, they got caught and their kids suffer, etc) it could have come full circle for a lot of people. Instead, they will likely never see their kids again (Paige's fate seems even more of a tragedy with that final shot) and they go back to Russia with the realization that the work they have done for the last 6 seasons has almost been for nothing. That's a much more subtle, less obvious "tragedy" that I didn't see coming when the season premiered. Especially in regards to Elizabeth, who I never predicted would sway the way that she did these last three episodes.

Having seen the entire show now, it's actually more fitting that it ended this way and not the two leads dying or being incarcerated, and it's fitting that the penultimate episode was the one that seemed like the intensity peak of the season (although the Stan confrontation was of course super intense). It's also fitting because this show was always about the family these leads had, their marriage in particular, so that final shot is perfect in many ways.

Special kudos to the actors. Russell and Rhys have always gotten their credit, but this was Noah Emmerich's peak. His devastation was completely heartbreaking to watch.

Farewell to one of the greatest series of all time.
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