House Hunters (1999– )
Very repetitive and staged
19 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This show is great if you need a nap. It alleges to follow couples and family in the search for a new home every show sticks close to the same exact formula. At the beginning, viewers are introduced to the couple searching for the home telling the audience thei background, jobs, family size and why they're seeking a new home. They always work with a real estate agent who shows the buyers three properties giving them the asking price of each home, which doesn't necessarily reflect the home values in the areas where the buyers are searching. At the end of episode, the buyers are seen talking over coffee. The dialogue is always the same at the end. The buyers start their conversation," We have a huge decision to make." The conversation progeseses to, "Which house meets our needs the best?" One of them states a problem they have with said house along with why they don't like it. Occasionally they'll bicker about the budget and the kitchen and bathroom space before making up and before saying, " I guess we need to call the realtor." Then they wrap the show with an update with the newly minted homeowners showing how much they like their new place. Sounds plausible, right?

But in reality the couples seeking the houses already live in their chosen home and show is entirely staged. Several former producers and home buyers have corroborated this. That said it does give viewers the Nickel version of how the home buying process works, but a reality series it isn't.
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