Mystery Woman: Redemption (2006 TV Movie)
Some remodeling
14 January 2018
The Mystery Bookshop is having some remodeling done courtesy of David Lascher and is crew and he's an old friend from childhood of Kellie Martin. But things seem to keep getting fouled up, but Kellie is indulgent blaming a lot of it on the loss of his father recently.

A stranger played by John Ratzenberger comes to town and after visiting Martin and Clarence Williams, III at the bookshop goes to a church that helps out alcoholics as their ministry. Ratzenberger is murdered and once again Martin and Williams are up against their irascible town police chief Casey Sander in solving it.

It all goes back to Vietnam and something these guys brought back from Cambodia. A most wealthy thing that they've elaborately hidden. Martin and Williams are reduced to following a lot of clues the late Mr. Ratzenberger laid down.

Not the best of the series, still has its moments.
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